“You don’t have to be easy-going, you don’t have to sacrifice yourself.” makes me cry. it’s how everyone deserves to be loved, but to Dean it hasn’t happened often enough for him to believe HE deserves it.

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it would never even occur to Dean before Cas says it here. even if he never expected as much of anyone else, he thinks there's something specifically wrong with him that he has to make up for. but he doesn't and this is the first time someone has seen that in him

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I’m so glad everyone is helping Dean. Fuck John Winchester

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everyone wants to be there for him, everyone has their own way to support him and they're completely ready to

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the panic that went through my heart once they started heading out to look for zepp...oh dean has to find him

also i wrote a final paper on that poem you used at the beginning lol

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oh it's the worst sense of panic, yeah

and it's a good poem! I love it, of course

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

a few days behind but finally catching up on these last two updates. and ohh the zepp panic still hits just as hard on a reread. literally there are tears. poor dean, feeling that fear. nothing is worse for a horsegirl in a story than when the horse is in peril. when dean says, "of everything that had happened, this was suddenly the worst" 😭 he's been thru so much already but this has hit him the hardest. that's his friend, his companion!! and the hurt, to think john hates him that much he could potentially hurt an innocent animal just to punish dean. if ties weren't completely severed they definitely are now.

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the Zepp panic definitely hits at a different place because the forethought and deliberation become clear. this isn't just an out-of-temper "accident" the way violence to Dean was justified by John, this is on purpose to hurt Dean deep and took putting plans in place

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