Bobby is a good dad!

The double date. Soooo cute, it’s nice after such darkness (and it was pretty fucking dark a couple of chapters ago) that they get to have this fun

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the dad Dean should've had!

things did get dark. but there's so much hope ahead and it's possible to reach out for it now

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I’m so glad that Dean and Cas are carving their own way now

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they get to pick their people and their life from here, and they're already making a great start

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Something I’ve been thinking about. Maybe it’s because this is from Dean’s pov, but it doesn’t seem like Bobby is as close to Sam as he is to Dean. Is this the case? Does Sam have someone to be that father figure too (outside of Dean of course)

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a bit of both, really. we don't have Sam's POV, but it's safe to say he's closer to Dean. part of it is that Dean was older when Karen died and, accustomed to comforting his father about Mary, as well as genuinely missing and grieving Karen and being old enough to understand her death, he provided some solace to Bobby that Sam wouldn't have been old enough/equipped to handle. but I think this Sam would admire Bobby's intelligence, even if it has a roughshod presentation, because he values that in the story (although he wouldn't be able to understand why someone smart wouldn't finish high school, wouldn't get decorated with degrees, and wouldn't get the fuck out of their town). but he finds Bobby important enough to bring Charlie over to meet when she visits, and it's clearly something where the ritual of the long walk over is something he values. and it means a lot that he wants to introduce her to that part of his life because I think Sam at 15 would be easily embarrassed by some of the realities of his world that don't match up with the privilege and fanciness of those he goes to school with. there were probably a lot of things about his home town and farm life that he's quick to mock, as a self-preservation method and in an attempt to define himself as unlike all the rednecks he grew up with. but he doesn't do this distancing act with Bobby, which speaks volumes when what Charlie makes of Bobby will reflect on him (or so a teenager will be inclined to think). he likes and trusts Bobby and therefore must get the same back. but yeah, as the older brother Dean would lead the way and Sam would follow. like the Father's Day BBQ, it wasn't the first time Dean invited Bobby, but it would've been the first time Sam wasn't there. so Sam is just accustomed to the way Dean has centered Bobby in their lives and goes along with it. if Dean weren't eligible for Sam's guardianship at the end of all this, Bobby would be the immediate first choice for both of them

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bobby<3 i cried. i'm a sucker for supportive father figure bobby and dean just getting to come out and be shown the unconditional love he deserves. every coming out to bobby scene is gold<3

their double date is so nice (and cesar deserves a million fruit baskets). cas is such a funny lovesick drunk. his fond, admiring gazes. his delight at getting to go home with dean. "I'm sweetheart. He means me." dfjskdksk oh cas. yes, you're sweetheart, and you get to go home with him forever!

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we love a good coming out to Bobby scene around here. I just firmly believe in him showing Dean the decency he deserves, unlike others who shall not be named

Cas will always be sweetheart as long as they both shall live. he is straight up proud to be the man who gets to be Dean's partner

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